If you want to know what's happening in minerals in Australia, the best place to find out is the Australian Journal of Mineralogy. Published twice a year, it contains a wealth of material, published on high quality stock with numerous colour photos.
Within Australia:One year Subscription: A$28.00 pa includes GST & Postage (rate within Australia) Overseas: One year Subscription: A$34.00 pa includes postage (rate for Overseas)
Subscriptions may be ordered from:The Treasurer, AJMc/o Geosciences Museum of Victoria PO Box 666E, Melbourne Victoria 3001, Australia
or contact the editor:Dermot Henry Manager, Natural Science Collections Museum Victoria Phone: 03 9270 5048 Fax: 03 9270 5043 email: dhenry@museum.vic.gov.auhttp://www.mov.vic.gov.au/mineralogy/welcome.html
Our Current Issue: Volume 13 No. 2December 2007

. - Secondary Minerals from the Braeside lead field, Pilbara, Western Australia
. - Cyrilovite and nartodufrenite from near Campbells Creek, Victoria
. -Sulphide-carbonate reaction in recrystallised limestone at Lilydale, Victoria
. -The Lost Mines of Kingsgate NSW
. -Schulilingite-(Nd) from the Peelwood Mine, Peelwood, NSW
. -Mineralogical Note: Betapakdalite from the Pine Mountain mine, Bringle , NSW
. -Codification of unnamed minerals
Within Australia (Inc GST):A$13.75 + Postage of A$2.50Other Countries A$12.50 + Postage of A$6.00
En agradecimiento a LUIS Guevara ( palentino en Australia) por envio de revista. Thank you very much.
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